Hello dear! Miss ya so much!! mau nepatin janji nih ke kamu :* mau nge-share tentang my beloved class, Spectrom! well, mau introduce Specrew's personel! :)) cekidot :) *tanpa foto tapi yaa*
#1 A Khozainul Fahmi. Alumnus SMP 1 Singgahan ini merupakan salah satu spesies unik di spectom :) sukaa banget nyiptain kata-kata super unique! will miss ur jokes broth!
#2 Adhi Anoraga YAP! Alumnus SMP 3 Cepu ini juga merupakan superduoer unique God's creature in this athmospere! He's totally FUNNY! kalo ngomong suka belibet! gatau deh kalo ga sekelas sama dia bakal kyk gimana. I can't imagine that!
#3 Afifa Nur Chabibah yuhuuu~ my JHS's friend :) lucu, bawel, imut haha. udah itu aja :)
#4 Ahidatus Syarifah miss 'semisal' muehehe, jangan marah yaa. We called you like that because we love you darl :*
#5 A.Tantowy A.A or Apis! one of nerd and sometimes crazy people! Enol derajatttttttt!
#6 Bayu Triyo P Mr.Fisika yg tertunda. Be patient broth! show your physic skill in XI/XII grade! Fighting!
#7 Cheny R.M wawaa, Miss Nyingnying? haha, her voice was really little annoying sometime. but noprobs, it's her character! Love ya Chen :*
#8 Deny P.H Mr.Gas yg sempet cinlok sama Miss Nyingnying ehem haha. can't describe you broth! You're totally UNIQUE!
#9 Dewi R.H Och! your voice was very beautiful like your face and personality! love yaa :*
#10 Dian R. Fadlilah Ouwouw, cewek yang satu ini alergi banget sama huruf 'R' haha. Dian, errrrrrr :p
#11 Dinda Mei A Miss Narsis? wkwk, setiap gaya yg dia pake pas foto bakal ditiruin sama gang usil! haha *me, shela, ifa, deny, nanang*
#12 Dyah Ayu P.A yep! it's me :)) ugly, fat, talkative :)
#13 Efyta C Miss Paskibraka :)) Love ya, especially your nose dahling :))
#14 Elvinda Shella M or her another name, Chelz_a wkkw. kamu itu lucu banget shel! Love your chococip darl :*
#15 Erna Ardiana Miss Yala haha. iuuh, kamseupay! :p but we still love you darl :*
#16 Faiz Hisyam A. qaqaaa! He's my brother! yaa orang nya emang keras! sekeras batu u,u but, he's smart on Math!
#17 Fajar Fadillah D She is a girl! hehe. Fans beratnya Cho Kyuhyun SuJu :)) tetep berjuang nit! lelehkan dia! :*
#18 Fauziarina P Miss Fisika. kecil-kecil cabe rawit! She's totally ah-ma-zing! Dia pinter di semua pelajaran! ga heran kalo first rank nya dapet dia :))
#19 Haryo Widyatmoko .... krikkrik haha. sometimes his jokes hurts each other. you must learn much about social life broth!
#20 Indra Nugraha ew? can't describe :))
#21 Jonathan Robinsar M Genius. One of Parawhore! same with me! Keep rockin' broth!
#22 Lean F.S Robin's soulamate! *eh hehe. Parawhore juga :))
#23 M. Arsyal Mochaaaa! Really awesome in his guitar talent! The next Sung Ha Jung :))
#24 Mufidatun Nisak Miss.Perfectionist? euh, dunno.
#25 Nanang Dwi WOW he's Mr. KAMSEUPAY EVER! wkwk. but he's good oh sorry ah-ma-zing in Physic!
#26 Nurul Amalia my GIRLFRIEND! :* haha. Love ya uyung! jangan bosen-bosen gue bully ye :p
#27 Rindang CTKP Miss. S terobsesi banget sama mas 'S' wkwk. Semangat put!
#28 Rizka Nur F our celebrity :)) Koreaaddict
#29 Rizki diana most of specrews called her Miss PHP
#30 Rommi Cahyanti ES. Yantoooooss!! You rock babe! *
#31 Zara Fitria ya! Our Kartini :)) love ya Zara :))
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